In a recent Sydney Morning Herald opinion piece, Tim Duggan, bemoaned the rise of celebrities pretending to be lesbians for the coolness factor. Along with Katy Perry of ‘I Kissed a Girl’ fame, one of the celebrities Duggan singled out was “tabloid-hungry” Lindsay Lohan for her relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson.
Duggan went on to talk about the perils of “fauxmosexuality” or “celesbianism”, particularly for girls struggling with their sexuality. What sort of mixed messages will this send, he questioned, when at one moment Lohan is seen with Ronson and then later she is photographed with a man.
It was an interesting piece as it completely avoided the ‘B’ word. Bisexuality. It never seemed to occur to Duggan that maybe Lohan was bisexual. Mind you, Lohan has never professed to be a lesbian or spoken candidly about her relationship either. Until now.

On the topic of her relationship with Ronson, Lohan added, “I think it's pretty obvious who I'm seeing... She's a wonderful person and I love her very much”. How sweet!
Lohan also gave some insight into advice that she gave her sister, Ali: "I've told her that it's okay to like a boy or a girl if you're comfortable with it and it's something you believe you want to do. And I told her not to be afraid of who she wants to be”.
Whilst I once shared Duggan’s opinion that Lohan was doing this for publicity, the ongoing nature of her relationship with Ronson and partly as a result of this interview, I really don’t think such comments reveal a celebrity trying to cash in on mainstream society’s obsession with same-sex trysts. Nor do they send mixed messages. Rather Lohan is being honest and open about who’s she with and how she’s identifying. And who can complain about that?
Of course, Katy Perry’s infamous song is a different story...
- C
YEAH Lindsay! Be true to yourself, sister.